ARBIRD-L, the Birds of Arkansas Discussion List

ARBIRD-L is a free e-mail discussion list (listserv) that provides a forum for questions, answers, and discussions about Arkansas birds and birding. It allows subscribers a quick and efficient way of reaching a large number of people who are interested in birds. Post your questions, interesting observations, directions to good birding sites, rare birds, etc. Or, if you are shy, just sit back and read the messages as they come in!

You must first be a subscriber to post to the ARBIRD-L list. By subscribing to the discussion list, you agree to follow its guidelines. To subscribe send a message to from the e-mail account you wish to use for your subscription with "subscribe ARBIRD-L your name" as the only thing in the message body. Be sure and leave the subject line blank. You will receive a confirmation and instruction document via email. Save the latter for reference.

Example message to subscribe:
subscribe ARBIRD-L John Doe

To post messages to the list, send your message to Please remember to include your name and location at the end of your message.

To manage your account and browse the ARBIRD-L archives, you will need to create an account at: You can also subscribe and unsubscribe at this site. To unsubscribe you can also send a message to with "signoff ARBIRD-L" in the body of the message. Leave the subject line blank. An automated reply acknowledging your removal from the list will follow. This list is hosted by the University of Arkansas.