The Arkansas Audubon Society Trust

Established in 1972, the Arkansas Audubon Society Trust is an independently functioning arm of the Society. Its purpose is to give small grants to research, conservation, and education projects.

Priority goes to birds in Arkansas, but a variety of projects may be funded, in and out of state. Awards ranging from $100 to $1200 are given directly to the grantee. Most grantees are student researchers, but professors, other educators, and organizations are also eligible. Requests for proposals are generally released in February and August. Trustees usually meet to discuss awards when the Society meets. 

Contact the Trust Chair with questions or to be placed on the RFP email list.



Projects Funded
since 1973—$227,874

  • Birds - $190,678
  • Herps - $10,732
  • Insects - $4,580
  • Mammals - $6,208
  • Other - $10,404
  • Plants - $5,272

AAS Trustees

  • Dr. Ragupathy Kannan, Chair
  • Dr. Than Boves
  • Lynn Christie
  • Megan Foll
  • Lynn Foster
  • Dr. Maureen McClung
  • Cherrie-Lee Phillip

Request for Proposals